EndocrineWeb (ENG)
Large award winning site written by doctors and patients for patients. over 200 pages and illustrations for thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal. find a local doctor, support group or join the chat rooms. updated daily, includes the newest treatments; new pages weekly.
Endocrine Soc. Journal (ENG)
Endocrine Soc. Journal (ENG)
Endotext (ENG)
Complete source on endocrinology, authoritative, constantly up-dated, down-loadable, free,
for mds worldwide.prepared by world-renowned experts, and visited by thousands of mds daily. all content can be downloaded for personal use.
Forest Laboratories (ENG)
Forest Laboratories (ENG)
Houten vlinders
Water, agenda, bloem, tuinieren, doe het zelf, meubel, tuin, beurzen, ontwerp, gereedschap, prieel, huis, tegel, beurs, onderhoud, eigen, vis, verlichting, architect, vijver, japanse, planten, vijver
G. Mirkin (ENG)
More health issues; a section of drmirkin.com
Docter's guide (ENG)
In women suffering from hypothyroidism, replacing some of the t4 dose with triiodothyronine improves
Docter's guide (ENG)
Docter's guide (ENG)
B12-tekort (NL)
Heeft u last van een gevoelige tong en/of een vreemd gevoel in de voeten, het gevoel op vilt te lopen, tintelingen in voeten en handen, een beetje bloedarmoede, eventueel samen met moeheid en/of een verminderde psychische weerstand, sta er dan op dat op korte termijn de vitamine b12-spiegel van uw bloed wordt bepaald. het kan zijn dat uw lichaam dit vitamine niet goed meer opneemt. bij vroegtijdige behandeling zijn blijvende problemen te voorkomen.
Am. Ass. Clinical Endo. (ENG)
Aace is a medical professional community of clinical endocrinologists committed to enhancing its members ability to provide the highest quality of care. members of aace are physicians with special education, training, and interest in the practice of clinical endocrinology. these physicians devote a significant part of their career to the evaluation and management of patients with endocrine disease. all members of aace are physicians (m.d. or d.o.) and a majority is certified by boards recognized by the american board of medical specialties. members of aace are recognized clinicians, educators and scientists, many of whom are affiliated with medical schools and universities. members of aace contribute on a regular and continuing basis to the scientific literature on endocrine diseases and conduct medical education programs on this subject.
Coeliakie (NL)
Coeliakie (NL)
Cytomel - verkrijgbaarheid (NL)
Cytomel - verkrijgbaarheid (NL)
Diabetes (ENG)
Diabetes (ENG)
Hypoglykemie (NCBI, ENG)
pubmed is a service of the u.s. national library of medicine that includes over 16 million citations from medline and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. pubmed includes links to full text articles and other related resources.
Netdokter (DU)
Netdoktor gibt ihnen auskunf über ihren befund. was ihre werte bedeuten und wann sie im normalbereich liegen.
Schildklier en sport
Sara Rosenthal (ENG)
Sara Rosenthal (ENG)
Vitamine B5 poeder
Vitamine B5 poeder? Alle informatie en producten.
Vraag het de huisarts
Vraag het de huisarts
W.M. Wiersinga (ENG)
pubmed is a service of the u.s. national library of medicine that includes over 16 million citations from medline and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. pubmed includes links to full text articles and other related resources.
Rx list (ENG)
Find synthroid (levothyroxine sodium) medication description and fda approved drug information including side effects, interactions and patient labeling.
R. Bunevicius (ENG)
Original article from the new england journal of medicine -- effects of thyroxine as compared with thyroxine plus triiodothyronine in patients with hypothyroidism
Omrekentbl thyrax/armour(ENG)
Finding the right replacement dose when you switch to armour thyroid
Nitraat (RIVM , NL)
The effect of nitrate on the thyroid gland function in healthy volunteers in a 4-week oral toxicity study
Psyche - 1 (NCBI, ENG)
pubmed is a service of the u.s. national library of medicine that includes over 16 million citations from medline and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. pubmed includes links to full text articles and other related resources.
Psyche - 2 (ENG)
psyche - 2 (ENG)
Psycheducation (ENG)
Psycheducation (ENG)
Zwangerschap, hielprik (NL)
Alles wat je wilt weten over vruchtbaarheid, zwangerschap, bevalling en het eerste jaar van je baby.everything you want to know about pregnancy, giving birth and the first twelve months of your baby. in dutch.